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Tech Tips for Non-Tech People!

Data Doctors Tech Tips | Ken Colburn & Brandon Disney
We give quick, one minute tech tips each weekday! Join us on a radio station near you as we talk tech. It's Tech Tips for Non-Tech People! You can post questions on our Facebook page anytime!

Original Air Date: Feb 7, 2019

Great Research Tool

Whenever you use the Internet for research, it’s common knowledge that you shouldn’t assume the info you pull up on any single site will be completely accurate. 

Cross referencing other similar sites to help either verify or challenge the info you are looking into is one way of validating, but that approach can get time consuming. 

If you ever want help in finding similar websites on the Internet, checkout the tool at 

It’s actually a specialized search engine that will bring up websites that are either similar or related as well as alternatives based the original websites content markers.

Just type the website you want to reference into their search engine to get a list of similar websites based on their popularity. 

It’s a much easier way of getting a comprehensive list of alternative sources for anything you are trying to research. 

You can pitch in and help improve their rankings by clicking on either the thumbs up or thumbs down icons when you feel it was related or not.

It’s another one of the websites that you’ll love remembering on those rare occasions you need this type of help, so bookmark it for future use.