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Why does my computer have no sound?

Posted By : Michael of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on June 23, 2004

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I was given a computer from a locol hospital, however it does not have sound I thought all computer came with sound and speakers(that i have). how do I activate the sound?

whats a sound card?

This question was answered on June 23, 2004. Much of the information contained herein may have changed since posting.

A sound card is a smaller card that goes into your motherboard If you open up your computer you will see white slots Those are PCI slots which you would have to connect your sound card You are going to have to buy a sound card and install it in the computer You can than hook up your speakers to the sound card Your new sound card is going to need drivers which come on the cd supplied with the sound card.

About the author

Posted by Michael of Katharine Gibbs School - New York on June 23, 2004

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